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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopAdobe Illustrator & Premiere Pro
DepartmentDepartmentESU 9
Primary ContactPrimary ContactLaura Ochsner
DescriptionPresenter: Linda Dickeson

Basic Shape Building for Infographics or Logos - 
Learn the difference between vector and raster images, and see how to modify vector objects by changing fill, stroke, curves, size and shape using selection tools and appropriate panels. Learn how simple original shapes can be combined to create infographic icons or logos.

Premiere Pro for Rookies:
Learn basic video editing with this powerful tool. Topics will include creating a project and importing clips, getting familiar with panels and tools, basic editing, adding graphics and titles, adjusting timing and exporting the final movie.

Participants will need to bring their computer with Adobe Creative Cloud Software installed. A free 7- day trial can be downloaded from

* 1 Credit Hour pending through Hastings College.

Please Note: In order to take this course for 1 hour college credit, participants must also attend Adobe Photoshop Basics & Beyond on June 5th.

Persons taking this course for college credit will also be charged the ESU 9 registration fee.
Location*See Section Description