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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopBlending Tech & Tradition: Station Rotation & Flipped Classroom
DepartmentDepartmentESU 9
Primary ContactPrimary ContactLaura Ochsner
DescriptionPresenter: Catlin Tucker

Explore how blended learning models–Station Rotation and the Flipped Classroom–can help teachers re-imagine learning in the classroom. Blended learning models create more opportunities for individualized scaffolding and support, differentiated instruction, and self-paced learning. Learn how to use the Station Rotation Model to move assessment back into the classroom, so students can receive real-time feedback as they work. Participants will experience a Station Rotation lesson then create a lesson they can use with students immediately. They will also learn how to design a flipped lesson that effectively blends in-class and online learning. Finally, teachers will see how the flipped classroom can be combined with the Station Rotation Model with the in-class flip! Teachers will leave with concrete strategies and tools they can use now!

* 1 Credit Hour pending through Hastings College.

Please Note: In order to take this course for 1 hour college credit, participants must also attend Blending Technology & Tradition: Online Discussions, Choice Boards, & Playlists on June 28th.

Persons taking this course for college credit will also be charged the ESU 9 registration fee.
Location*See Section Description