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Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopRenew & Revamp Your School/Classroom Website
DepartmentDepartmentESU 9
Default ContactDefault ContactJackie Ediger
Default Location*See Section Description
DescriptionDAY 1:    
[School Website Administrators] What are the key elements of an efficient and effective school designed website? Is a school’s website user friendly?  Would a student, parent, school board or community member be able to utilize the school website to locate and answer a desired inquiry?  Answers to such questions will be available through comparison and collaboration of all participants.  Projected sample websites will allow for compare and contrast.  Collaborative brainstorms and discussions will empower website administrators to adapt and improve the efficiency and design of the school district’s website material.
[Teachers] This workshop offers teachers guidance and support in developing a classroom website or revamping an existing website for the purpose of organized learning and communication. Utilization of Weebly will be a focus as it is user friendly and offers an educational interface.  

DAY 2:  The second day is dedicated to independent and collaborative work time.  The key to creating, designing, and implementing a classroom website is the time dedicated to its content and attachments.  The goal is for teachers to leave this workshop with an effective and personalized classroom website that incorporates all the necessary elements for student, teacher, and parent success. Day 2 is an optional workday. Only participants who are taking this course for credit are required to attend day 2.

Persons taking this course for college credit will also be charged the ESU 9 registration fee.