Description | | This training is designed to give school teams an overview of Social-Emotional Supports within a Tiered System. We will be discussing the importance of Social-Emotional Skills and giving you examples for things you can implement at all tiers to provide support within your school system. Finally, we plan to work with your school teams to determine if you have any gaps in your social-emotional system and what systems/training/information you need to fill them. This summer we will offer trainings to support those needs within your school system. Questions? Please contact Joe Haney, Jessica Shepard, or Liesel Hogan.
Masks Required!
Location | | 5807 Osborne Drive West, Hastings, NE |
Status | ![Status: Open Status](../images/icons/wsStatusHalf.gif) | This section is currently open. 14 Registered 5 Minimum; 45 Maximum; 15 Lunch Count |
Section Dates | |
| | |
April 23, 2021 | 9:00 AM | 3:00 PM |
Registration Deadline | | April 19, 2021 |
Transaction ID Code | | |
Add to Calendar | ![Add this Workshop Section to Your Calendar Calendar](../images/icons/even_more_icons/calendar--plus.png) | Add to my calendar |
Registration Fees | |
Lunch | | Lunch will be provided. |
College Credit | | This section is not available for college credit. |
Comments | | Bring your Mental Health Team!!
1. Help you to understand the Importance of Social-Emotional Support
2. Provide you with a outline of how MTSS works for Social -Emotional/Behavior Skills
3. Help you develop a training/implementation plan.